Magellan Gin 44%

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Magellan Gin 44%

编码 CODE : WW851028
条形码 BARCODE : 3460410522344
包装规格 PACKAGING : 1L X 6 支 btls
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 44%
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 法国France

[特点 Features]

受到麦哲伦在其革命性探险中发现的香料的启发,麦哲伦使用来自全球各地的新鲜异国植物药进行四次小批量蒸馏。 这种新鲜蒸馏工艺赋予麦哲伦无与伦比的清脆、平衡的风味和清爽顺滑的口感。 鸢尾根和花朵赋予麦哲伦蓝天和深蓝大海的舒缓精神。
Inspired by the spice Magellan discovered during his revolutionary expedition, Magellan is distilled four times in small batched using fresh, exotic botanicals from around the Globe. This Fresh Distillation process bestows Magellan with an incomparable crisp, balanced flavor and refreshingly smooth taste. Iris root and flower bestow Magellan with the soothing spirit of the blue sky and deep blue sea.

[成份 Ingredients]

Cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, orange peel.